Cellulite reduce – workshops


Be unique!  Provide our clients the most effective way to eliminate cellulite

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Predominantly found on buttocks, thighs and even upper arms, cellulite mainly strikes women of all ages and all sizes. In fact, it’s estimated that up to 90 percent of women will experience some form of cellulite at some time in their life after puberty.

So what exactly is cellulite?

Cellulite is a connective tissue disorder. Simply put the structure of the body’s fat cell chambers break down and cause this cottage cheese-like dimpling to appear. The reason for this breakdown in connective fibers is a poor circulatory system; loss of circulation to an area – whether caused by lack of exercise, too much sitting, clogged arteries or nutrient deficiency – can have a serious impact and accelerate cellulite formation.

Because cellulite is not like regular fat, it must be treated differently. For years, many experts argued that cellulite is merely fat and can only be treated with diet and exercise. Yet non-overweight, physically active women also plead for treatments or products to address dimpled-thighs.

Despite the number of dream creams available that promise cellulite-busting benefits, can the condition ever be 100 percent eradicated? Unfortunately NOT.

Another option for reducing cellulite is an in-salon treatment.

The list of therapies includes Mesotherapy RF (vitamin and plant extract to improve circulation and metabolism); Ultrasound Cavitation RF (breaks down fat cells); and PDT Light therapy (infrared light which works to break down fat cells).

We try to find for you the best treatments for this hard-to-conquer skin condition.

Name of class: Cellulite reduction by using the latest technology

Location: Institute Rejuvee, New York

Duration: 1-day class (5-6 hours)

Certificate of attendance



Hands-on training

Basic: Ultrasound Cavitation RF and PDT- Light Therapy

Concept of cellulite reduction



Fee: $ 130.00

Institute Rejuvee organizes one-day classes

For more information please contact

Dr. Bojana Matovski

rj4students@gmail or

Mobile: 201 660 0321



PDT-Light Therapy

PDT-Light Therapy

Ultrasound Cavitation

Ultrasound Cavitation