Revolutionary innovation for smoother, tighter skin

3 Polar is FDA-cleared to treat facial wrinkles without surgery. With this treatment, you can look and feel refreshed, naturally.

3 Polar RF precisely heats the deep layers of your skin using advanced radiofrequency energy without damaging the epidermis, or top layer. The heat causes the existing collagen in your skin to contract and tighten. Also after the treatment, your skin will start to produce new collagen. The result is an improvement in skin tightness and wrinkles you can see and feel.


3 Polar RF technology can be used to treat the skin on the face, including:

  • Nasolabial folds

-Wrinkles around the mount

-Lines or folds between the eyebrows

-Lines on the forehead

-Loose skin above or below the eye

-Crow’s feet


How is 3 Polar RF treatment different from other skin tightening treatments?

The technology has been proven to provide safe and effective skin tightening in medical studies. Because is a non-invasive procedure, meaning no surgery is required, there are minimal side effects and discomfort. Unlike other systems, no anesthesia or skin cooling is needed during your 3 Polar RF procedure, so you can return to home or work immediately following treatment.

How long does a 3 Polar RF procedure take?

Your procedure will typically take about 45 to 6o minutes for a full facial treatment. Because 3 Polar RF doesn’t require anesthesia or downtime, it fits easily into your busy schedule.

What should I expect afterwards?

You should expect to be able to return to your dally activities with no downtime at all. Unlike lasers, there is no restriction from being in the sun and you can also apply makeup immediately after the procedure. Same patients experience mild swelling and redness which typically goes away within 2 to 24 hours.

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