How to Achieve a Circle of Beauty From the Inside Out

Starting at 25, most women start thinking about anti-aging. This is the age when beauty campaigns start targeting this journey (let’s face it, for most of us it’s a journey that lasts most of our lives). But is this a one-lane journey? Does one approach really work or do beauty companies basically sell us hope in a jar?

According to Forbes Magazine, the beauty industry is currently amassing more than $445 billion a year, so millions are spending money on the latest, trendy “miracle” creams, gels and masks. However, there’s also a movement focused on a more holistic approach. Rather than thinking of beauty as a quick fix achieved in a jar or injection, this holistic view encourages a circle representing totality and original perfection. So how does one achieve this circle of beauty? Let’s start with the basics:

Food: The reason the beauty industry targets women 25 and older is because this is the age when collagen production starts to decline. Collagen is the “glue” that holds the entire body together. For an in-depth look at the importance of this human-produced protein, read my article: Anti-Aging Part One: The Importance of Collagen. As collagen production decreases, it’s important to have a diet that helps to support production. Foods such as blueberries, dark leafy greens, mango, and eggs are great collagen producers.

Here is a yummy smoothie recipe that uses a collagen supplement by NeoCell. The recipe was created by Charles Chen Host of #KitchenHustle Chef & Entrepreneur

Pineapple Collagen Turmeric Smoothie

2 Cups of Coconut Water 

¾  Cup of Pineapples 

1 Teaspoon of Turmeric Powder 

2 Tablespoon of Neocell Super Collagen Powder

1 Tablespoon of Chia Seeds

½ Orange 

½ Lemon Juice

Top with Hemp Seeds 

Top with Hemp Seeds 

Supplementation: In addition to nourishing your skin with foods to boost collagen production, you’ll also need supplementation to maintain a youthful, dewy complexion. However, supplements that truly get results can be difficult to find. Yes, there are shelves full of vitamin supplements, but many of them are made with synthetics and contain harmful dyes. Your goal should be to source whole food vitamins, made from ingredients that your body recognizes and digests as food. We suggest day and night supplements by TimeBlock: Swiss Botanical Science, which is completely derived from non-GMO botanicals grown at high elevations in the Himalayan Mountains. Some of the main ingredients are: grape seeds, shitake, brown seaweed, and barley. The supplements are also perfect for vegans and those on a gluten-free diet. The creators of TimeBlock had this to say about the reason they chose to do a day and night formula:

Vitamin IV Therapy: This is a bit more controversial. Professional athletes and your favorite one name celebrities such as Rihanna and Madonna swear by this for everything from hangovers to boosting immunity. So what exactly is Vitamin IV Therapy? It’s an infusion of vitamins mixed in a salt concentration that is the same as your body’s internal concentration. It’s also something that can be tailored toward your specific needs. Advanced Cryo NYC offers a Natural Beauty Vitamin IV cocktail at the Bernic Hotel as part of their hydro-lounge pop-up series. They also offer this full-time at their Soho location. The Natural Beauty Cocktail contains liquid magnesium. Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and other essentials geared towards rejuvenating skin, restoring hydration and reversing the effects of free radicals. 

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