Body-contouring clients


As quickly as body-contouring devices are slimming and trimming clients, the market for them is growing by leaps and bounds. According to the research and consulting firm GlobalData, the body-contouring market, including noninvasive and minimally invasive fat-reduction procedures, is predicted to rise from $671.8 million to $1.1 billion by 2022. The growth is largely propelled by rising client demand, more men seeking cosmetic procedures, and advancements in the availability and quality of nonsurgical procedures. “The global obesity epidemic is significantly increasing the number of people seeking body-contouring procedures,” says Brigitte Babin, analyst for medical devices for GlobalData. “While some patients choose to try noninvasive methods first, the noninvasive or nonsurgical trend is primarily driven by patients who would otherwise not undergo any form of fat reduction or body contouring. For patients with an aversion to unnecessary surgery, fear of surgical complications, or financial restrictions, nonsurgical options overcome all of these factors deterring patients from seeking body-contouring treatments.” If your medical spa is considering adding body-contouring services to your menu, recent statistics and market predictions indicate it is a smart investment. Here, industry professionals share their tips for entering this lucrative market and connecting with loyal clients.

How do you introduce a new device to clients? 

“I introduce them to clients through internal marketing and word of mouth. Most of my patients have had liposuction and have hanging skin and are looking for a non-invasive solution.” “We educate clients on what the device can do for them.

This is Genuine Technology. New generation Radio Frequency (RF) technology applies electrical energy to the skin, simultaneously heating the dermis and subcutaneous fat layers to reduce excess fat and circumference and augment collagen production to tighten skin and reduce wrinkles.  With Radio Frequency (RF) treatments, results are visible after the very first treatment and long-term results, after a series of treatments.  Treatment is completely non-invasive, safe and pleasant, and following treatment, customers can resume their daily routine.

Ultrasonic Cavitation RF  offers a pain-free and non-invasive solution for those of us who may not be comfortable with associated risks from surgical procedures, whose lifestyle restrictions disallow a strict exercise and diet regime, and those looking for relatively immediate slimming results for one reason or another.

Careful Consultation

Body-contouring procedures make up 60 percent of business. Here are the steps he follows to make sure a potential client is matched with the best service:

-Obtain a complete medical history

-Ask the patient to point out the areas that bother them while standing in front of a mirror.

-Follow up with specific questions to understand the client’s goals.

-Review the risks, benefits, and alternatives of the possible procedures.

Price is Right

The demand for body-contouring services may be high, but so is the competition, so a smart pricing strategy is essential to ensure these services and your medical spas are successful. Discounting to bring in new clients can be tempting, but it can devalue your services. Though discount sites like Groupon and LivingSocial made a splash, their influence in the medical aesthetics market has diminished. 

Smart Shopping

What factors did you consider when purchasing a body-contouring device?

“The most important factor is efficacy—does the device really do what it promises? Then I consider safety, comfort, efficiency, and cost.

Expand Your Skills to Increase Your Income!

Give yourself a pat on the back because you have plenty to be proud of! As a Rejuvee student, you’ve already accomplished a lot. Just remember that education is lifelong. The tool you can use to expand your skills and continually increase your earning power.

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