Knowledge is Power = Success

The road to your success depends on you


Every day we are increasingly inundated with all kinds of information from manufacturers of beauty devices. Competition between them is fierce and they find ever more radical ways to sell their products. Among other things, they are providing training and the issue of a “certificate”.

Did you ever wonder how much you know about technology and whether the training that you receive when you purchase the machines is enough to make them work for your business?

At first glance, everything looks easy and clear, until you start working with the device. You soon realize that the expected results are not being achieved as promised. You become disillusioned and start to recognize that the training you got from the manufacturer was not sufficient at all.

You decide to go in search of additional training and you are overwhelmed of the large offers available. How do to choose the training that you actually need? Your stress to run a business, the liabilities and financials are overwhelming … so you are opting for a workshop that does not cost too much, can be completed quickly and provide you with another “certificate”.

In no time you are caught up in another trap, where for the little money the informative training you just completed, the certificate you received, leave you with the recognition that the education is still not adequate. If you had done a little more research on Google and read Wikipedia’s descriptions you could have saved the time and money and received the same information.

At this point you still do not have any tools or the in-depth knowledge that produces results. You start to lose the trust of your client, you lose confidence in yourself and you are at a loss of what to do next.

The only option that is open to you is to bite the bullet and enroll in a professional training course. Only professional training can give you the right tools to success.

Knowledge = Success!

Before you make a decision about continuing education you need to know:

What is the difference between:

  • Manufacturer Training
  • Informative Training
  • Professional Training


  • Manufacturing Training: The primarily goal of a manufacturer is to give you instructions on the proper use of the machine/device. In most cases, you do not get the information about the technology the device is based on. You may just get the basics.
  • Information Training: You will receive basic information about the technologies used today. Now-a-days this is easily obtained through the Internet and you can educate yourself. The only advantage of taking this training is that you will receive a “certificate” for a simple test.

Both of these methods give you a “Certificate of Completion”, some may even be recognized as a CEU, but did they satisfy your need for knowledge to be effective in your usage of the device/machine?

  • Professional Training: What can you expect? Professional training gives you complete information primarily on technology, how a particular technology works and the best way to incorporate this technology into your business:
  1. What are the good and negative aspects of a particular new technology
  2. What is the correct way to reach the desired results
  3. How to apply your new learned knowledge into practice and more

There are two types of professional training: Online or Hands-on workshops.

Which type of training will be good for you is up to you. We recommend the following 2 steps:

  1. Online training gives you the basic knowledge and the opportunities the technologies present to you.
  2. When you’re done with theory take the practical part via the Internet.

When you pass the practical part, you have mastered all the different ways of applying the technology and your results will not fail.


It is up to you to decide whether you want to develop your business or remain standing still at the very beginning.

Interested in programs to help you develop your skills?

Follow me at Institute Rejuvee and check out the listings on

Dr. Bojana Matovski, MD


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