Recognizing and Treating Dehydrated Skin



It is easy enough for aestheticians to identify the symptoms of dry skin – especially since dryness and dehydration are common issues for clients – but consumers often tolerate flakiness thinking it will eventually go away, leading to chronic dryness and dehydration.


Although skin types are usually classified as dry, normal, oily, or combination, dry skin is not necessarily a static condition. Dehydration is a condition that may affect all of these skin types. Skin care professionals must consider several different factors every time they address a client’s dry skin, determine immediate treatment, and advise long-term home care.

They need to understand what is going on beneath the surface and then select the appropriate treatment, products, and ingredients based on a thorough skin analysis that includes the client’s history. They then need to take advantage of their captive audience by educating clients about the causes and remedies for dry skin and dehydration. In this way, the professional can maximize and prolong the benefits of the treatment while showing the client how to manage and even prevent the condition in-between visits.

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