Foods for Beautiful Skin and a Healthier You

You use natural skincare and makeup, follow a healthy skincare regimen, and take care to keep your complexion in its best shape. So don’t let what you eat sap your skin of all that goodness! 

When they say beauty comes from within, its actually also literally so true. And learning how to chow consciously can help you maintain a healthy, glowing appearance year-round.

We’ve compiled an easy to use cheat sheet of favorite foods for beautiful skin, plus ways to avoid the biggest beverage and bite beauty blunders.

Up the Healthy Fats

Healthy fats keep skin moisturized, and moisturized skin looks youthful and radiant. Nibble on walnuts and olives, slather avocado on toast, drizzle olive oil over crusty oat bread, and serve up some tasty salmon.

Antioxidants in Abundance

Antioxidants enhance the body’s natural reparative mechanisms on free radical damage, improving the appearance of premature aging, wrinkles, dryness, and uneven skin tone. Most brightly colored fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, so indulge. Another food that packs a powerful antioxidant punch? Chocolate! We know, not bad news. But be sure to choose dark chocolate that contains at least 70% cacoa to get the biggest antioxidant bang for your buck and reduce unnecessary sugar.

Go for Good Carbs.

Carbohydrates have gotten a reputation as the bad guys of the food world. But complex carbs give us energy and offer healthy cell support. Fruits are healthy carbs that keep skin looking great. Chickpeas are another great option. Try whipping up a homemade hummus with garlic and olive oil to spread on rice crackers, an ideal snack for those looking to avoid gluten.

Pound Plenty of Water.

It’s easy to forget to drink enough water during the day. But water is essential for beautiful skin as it supports cell health, keeps the system running smoothly, and boosts healthy circulation. All good things when it comes to gorgeous skin! Another reason to up your water intake? It helps to decrease the look of puffiness if you happen to overdo it on salt or alcohol. There are some good apps to remind you to drink enough H2O throughout the day like these.

Don’t Overdo Dairy.

This food group is a breakout trigger for many, especially those with acne-prone skin or experiencing hormonal imbalance. It can also cause the appearance of puffiness and under eye bags. Limit consumption of dairy to keep skin looking smooth, healthy, and toned. Nut milks are the perfect substitute for cow’s milk and cream for your gluten-free oats or morning latte.

Skip the Sugar.

For those with a sweet tooth, the sweet stuff seems to be everywhere. And the more you eat, the more you want. Remember this, when your body processes simple sugars, collagen and elastin are decreased. This means skin looks dull, thin, saggy, and unhealthy. Avoid sugary treats and opt for that dark chocolate.C

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